Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Natural ingredients for a solution for killing Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat, bloodsucking insects at night are active. Hide them during the day in cracks in walls, floors and furniture found. Bites from bed bugs are extremely itchy, but they do not spread disease. These parasites often enter houses used items or suitcases after a trip. Once they infest a building, they can be very difficult to control. A combination of methods is usually the most effective way to get rid of them. Fortunately, there are several ways to determine bedbugs with natural ingredients that do not contain toxic chemicals.


  • Pyrethrins are natural insecticides found in pyrethrum daisy-like the Dalmatian and Persian chrysanthemums. They work by penetrating a bedbug nervous system and crippling it. According to entomologists at the University of California at Berkeley pyrethrums the first choice for bedbug control, but some bedbugs have mutated and are resistant to pyrethrins. If the bedbug population carries resistant genes in your home, there may pyrethrins are ineffective against them.

Home-made pesticides

  • Here you can make a natural insecticide Dalmatian or Persian chrysanthemums. Both types of pyrethrins, but contain Dalmatian chrysanthemum more. Hang to increase pyrethrin levels flowers upside down in the water for about 48 hours before they dry. Flowers can be coarsely crushed or made into a fine powder. A fine powder will work better, but the pyrethrins will break more quickly therein. Take a spray by immersing the seven-tenth ounce of crushed dried flowers in 1 1/2 gallons of hot water for about 3 hours. Use of pesticides in cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and furniture.

Diatomaceous earth

  • Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an effective way to control bedbugs in areas with low humidity. It works by absorbing the oils and fats in the outer protective layer of a bedbug skin, causing it to die of dehydration. The sharp edges of the diatomaceous earth are also cutting the bed bug's exoskeleton, increasing the dehydration. Diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of single-celled plants. It can be used alone or in formulations that contain pyrethrin. Formulations without pyrethrins are very low in toxicity to mammals. Use only natural diatomaceous earth or food grade DE, which is often sold as "Fossil Shell flower." Do not use pool grade DE, which is made differently and is toxic. THE applied to cracks and crevices where bedbugs hide. It can also be sprinkled on carpets.


  • Bedbugs die when the temperature is above 106 degrees Fahrenheit, so increasing heat can be an effective way to control them. Clothing and bedding contaminated materials can be placed in a heated dryer. Mattresses and gaps that may otherwise be difficult to be treated by steaming at high temperatures. Large commercial stoves can be used to heat an entire room to about 115 degrees. Alternatively, instead of the contents of a chamber in a box made of polystyrene foam and household oil filled heaters used to heat the room to a temperature between 113 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • Reducing the number of bed bugs before treatment will increase your chances of eliminating the rest of them. Vacuum infested areas including mattresses, box springs, carpets, and furniture. When finished, remove the vacuum bag, seal in a zip-lock bag and place it in a freezer for one week for removal.

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